Max beyond Thunderdome


Max wears the same exact jacket as he did in Mad Max 2 (The Road Warrior). Max’s jacket shows signs of wear: the thick black stitching on his left shoulder (bearclaw mohawker damage from Mad Max 2), his collar, his shoulder seam, his elbow, and a few stitches where his sleeve zipper used to be. The jacket’s zipper is missing many teeth as well, so it’s never zipped up in the film. For more info, see Special Topics: Jackets


Black leather trousers with no back pockets, cut in a general “jeans” pattern. Thick black stitching can be seen on the crotch area. Zipper is possibly broken. Boots: Max wears his MFP boot on his right foot, which has had some tyre tread added to the soles, and a cowboy boot on his left foot. For more info, see Special Topics: Boots


Black cotton sleeveless shirt, probably made from scratch.

Shoulder Pad

Right-hand-side Rawlings football shoulder pad plate attached to football shoulder pad arch padding by 2 one-inch-wide leather straps. The plate shows a lot of wear: scratches and gouges. One 5/8″-wide belt riveted to bottom of padding, fastened under the arm. For more info, see How to Make Max’s Shoulder Pad and the ADVANCED version. Mad-Max-Fury-Road-Shoulder-Pad-FB Interested in replica items like this? Join the mailing list on the sidebar to the right ->


Black long-sleeved tunic, approximately knee length. The neck opening extends approximately down to navel level. Material: most likely a black-dyed cotton muslin. Contrary to popular belief, the tunic style Max wears is not typical of Arab traditional dress and is actually the length of a kurta or kameez: traditional shirts worn in central Asian countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan and India.


Max wears two belts. One of them has ammunition shoulder straps attached to it, and is a British style belt. This belt’s round brass buckle reads, “Astore Police”. This has been confirmed to be a British police buckle from Astore, Pakistan (formerly British-ruled India). Hanging below the British belt is another belt with a pocket and bullet loops (possibly a large-caliber rifle sling) and is connected to a black leather holster.

Turban and Cloak

Max wears a black turban and a black cloak (looks like a cape) during the beginning of the movie. The black turban is made of black cotton bubble gauze (at Spotlight’s in Australia, it was called cheesecloth). If you are making a turban, use a piece that is 1/2 meter x 6 meters or 18 inches x 6 yards. The cloak comes down to the ankles, and is open on the front.


Max has a bandage on his left knee. The bandage has fan lacing like a medical corset/back brace. You can purchase old medical corsets or make your own by buying eyelet tape and fan lacing slides. Max’s silver whistle is known as a naval bosun whistle. See Also Shotguns

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